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Zendesk Integration

How to setup an integration to sync feedback collected using Sondar over to Zendesk.

Li Xia avatar
Written by Li Xia
Updated over 5 months ago


The first step to collecting customer feedback involves adding Sondar surveys into your Zendesk workflows. For this step, follow this guide.

Once that’s done, simply turn on the Zendesk Data Sync integration, and Sondar will automatically send feedback right back into Zendesk, so agents can easily view and act on the feedback directly from their Zendesk workspace.

Furthermore, you can use Zendesk’s built-in reporting tools to track and analyze the feedback, giving you a complete view of how your team is performing and how satisfied your customers are.

In this article

Authenticating with your Zendesk workspace

By completing this step, you’re allowing data to flow between Sondar and Zendesk.

  1. In Sondar, select Integrations from the main menu.

  2. Select View Integration in the Zendesk Integration Card. πŸ‘‡

3. Click on Connect to start the authentication process.πŸ‘‡

4. Enter your Zendesk workspace subdomain. Where do I find this? πŸ‘‡

5. Sign in to your Zendesk workspace. Click Allow to grant necessary permissions.

6. Connected indicates that the integration was successful.πŸ‘‡

Add feedback to Zendesk tickets as Tags

Sondar can sync ratings and sentiment directly to the Zendesk ticket as tags. Here is an example of what it looks like in Zendesk. πŸ‘‡

Scroll down to the Add feedback to Zendesk ticket as Tags section and turn on this functionality.πŸ‘‡

Add feedback to Zendesk tickets as an Internal Note

Sondar can sync ratings and sentiment directly to the Zendesk ticket as an internal note. Here is an example of what it looks like in Zendesk.πŸ‘‡

Scroll down to the Add feedback to Zendesk ticket as an internal note section and turn on this functionality.πŸ‘‡

If anything doesn’t work as expected, feel free to reach out and we’ll gladly help you troubleshoot. πŸ‘‹

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